Accelerate your career.

Join a top Business School.
Earn a globally accredited MBA.

Boost your career by signing up to a fully online MBA offered by a top European Business School. Evening classes. Expert lecturers. 45+ years legacy.

Start your journey here

Are you looking to relaunch or boost your career? Thinking about how to juggle work duties, life and family commitments, and top-level higher education?

You have come to the right place and the right programme.

We have over 45 years of offering high-quality education to in-career individuals. We specialise in offering evening classes, in combining theory with practice, and in developing modules that accommodate the diverse needs of our students.  

You will be supported by our specialised admin team and faculty throughout and we will be with you every step of the way. 


Learn more about who we are by visiting our main site at

Who we are & accreditation

Welcome to CIM-Cyprus Business School, a world-class Business School that has been operating in the Republic of Cyprus (an EU member state) for almost five decades. 

Offering both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, as well as executive education programmes (in collaboration with the University of Cambridge Exec Education unit), we are proud to be one of the most established and accomplished business schools in Europe.

The CIM-Cyprus Business School e-MBA is accredited by the Cyprus Quality Assurance Agency and is therefore globally recognised. It is the flagship programme of our Business School, which was the first institution to offer an MBA in Cyprus in 1988.

educational memberships
business partnerships
global accreditation

e-MBA at a glance

Our e-MBA is a fully online programme offered solely on a full-time basis and lasting 18 months.

You will study for a total of four semesters. During this period, you will study for 5 compulsory modules (plus a compulsory Capstone project) and 1 elective (out of a choice of 5).

For each module each week, you are expected to study between 2 and 3 hours. You will watch a pre-recorded lecture, do various independent learning exercises and e-tivities and, every other week, join a live webinar with your lecturer and fellow learners.

You will have one-on-one support throughout, and you will be able to talk to your lecturer at any point as well as discuss your ideas with your fellow learners in chat rooms and discussion forums.

We will be with you from the first minute, offering unparalleled support, and we’ll be with you far beyond your graduation.

All e-MBA students are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ funding that can take them to a number of different countries within and outside Europe on a study abroad exchange.

Starting date is either October or January each year.

Perfect balance of theory and practice
Unique teaching methodology
Highly experienced tutors
Opportunities for international placement
state-of-the-art Learning Management System
taught by
international experts

Subject distribution

You will take a total of six modules

Term 1:

  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Strategic Management


Term 2:

  • Economics & Financial Management
  • Research Methods


Term 3:

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • One elective* please note that there is a minimum cap of 5 students for an elective to run


Term 4:

  • Capstone Project


Term 5:

  • Writing of Capstone Project


Assessment is as follows:
  • 1 assignment (weighed at 20%)
  • 4 e-tivities (weighed at 5% each, total of 20%)
  • 1 final online examination with a written and oral component (weighed at 60%)

Research Methods module is assessed differently:
  • 1 academic journal paper review (weighed at 10%)
  • 1 individual poster presentation (weighed at 20%)
  • 2 e-tivities (weighed at 10% each, total 20%)
  • 1 research proposal (weighted at 50%)


Finally, the compulsory Capstone Project is assessed as follows:
  • 1 Pecha Kucha of the skill development and learning gained through the project (weighed at 10%)
  • Capstone Project Report (weighed at 90%)


Organisational Behaviour - Compulsory
  • Delves into key management theories that result in organisational effectiveness, efficiency, and human resource development.
  • Addresses issues such as workforce motivation, incentives, team building and office environments and how we can best manage the dynamics of organisational change.
  • Examines contemporary principles, techniques and research findings in management and organisational behaviour that are driving high performance and continuous improvement in business today.
  • Provides deep understanding of management and organisational behaviour concepts associated with continuous improvement in individual and group processes.
Strategic Management - Compulsory
  • Emphasises value and process of strategic management.
  • Helps students integrate and apply their prior learning to strategic decision making in organisations.
  • In-depth examination of an organisation’s vision and mission and of principles, techniques and models of organisational and environmental analysis.
  • Explores theories and practices of strategy formulation and implementation.
Economics and Financial Management - Compulsory
  • The Economics component provides students with a foundation of economic understanding and knowledge so as to grasp the implications for businesses of changes in the economic environment.
  • It also develops students’ ability to use economic understanding and knowledge in examining and assessing a number of microeconomic and macroeconomic issues.
  • The Financial Management component covers the basic areas of financial management of fundamental interest to corporate managers and helps students understand the basic principles needed to implement financial decisions both inside and outside the firm.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation - Compulsory
  • Introduces students to the various processes and considerations of managing new product development and creating new ventures, including, for example, identifying opportunities for innovation, building business models to extract maximum value from innovative ideas, and financing new ventures.
  • Helps students develop new skills and knowledge about innovation that will enhance their ability to contribute to the long-term competitiveness of businesses.
  • Ensures students understand the link between entrepreneurial activity and economic development
Research Methods - Compulsory
  • Enables students to understand business research, offering an in-depth understanding of relevant approaches and elements of undertaking a research enquiry.
  • Provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address identified research problems.
  • Helps students develop critical core competencies and skills including: defining research questions; setting appropriate research objectives; study design that incorporates research objectives and budgetary constraints; secondary and primary data collection and instruments; sampling and analysis methods; and effective reporting of results; as well as the importance of ethical conduct in conducting research in both a domestic and in international business contexts.
Strategic Marketing - Elective
  • Offers comprehensive managerial and practical introduction to Marketing.
  • Ensures students understand marketing strategies and the elements of marketing analysis, customer analysis, company analysis and competitor analysis.
  • Offers in-depth knowledge of elements of the marketing mix (product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies) and of different ways of promoting products and services through new marketing methods.
  • Teaches students to design and implement marketing plans.
Ethics & CSR - Elective
  • Investigates corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability informed by ethical theory and stakeholder perspectives.
  • Draws on key principles, theories, and key issues raised by stakeholder groups.
  • Builds in-depth understanding of contemporary social issues in business by highlighting the importance of a collaborative approach with internal and external stakeholder groups.
International Trade - Elective
  • Reviews International Trade theory and examines how culture influences international business decisions.
  • Explores how all functional business areas (operations, marketing, management, accounting, finance, human resources and law) change in international settings.
  • Provides thorough review and analysis of the international trade and business environment and teaches students how to apply this knowledge to practical aspects of doing business in international markets.
Operations Management - Elective
  • Introduces students to the concepts, principles, problems and practices of operations management and pays emphasis on managerial processes for effective operations.
  • Offers in-depth look into operations strategy, process design, capacity planning, facilities location and design, forecasting, production scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance and project management.
International HRM - Elective
  • Introduces students to key theories and practices of International HRM.
  • Critically examines the influence of national institutions and culture on the choice and effectiveness of HRM practices.
  • Invites reflection of the role of HRM policies and practices in achieving desired employee and organisational outcomes.
  • Discusses challenges and opportunities firms face in managing people and workplaces at the global level.
Capstone Project - Compulsory
  • Synthesises student learning in a single practical real life project that demonstrates the fulfilment of the programme’s learning outcomes.
  • Enables a demonstration of business research with a potential real-world outcome and integrates student academic knowledge with experiences beyond the virtual classroom and combine developing knowledge, skills, and personal interests.

Capstone projects may take a wide variety of forms, but most are long-term investigative projects that culminate in a final product, presentation, or performance. For example, students may be asked to select a topic, profession, or social problem that interests them, conduct research on the subject, maintain a portfolio of findings or results, create a final product demonstrating their learning acquisition or conclusions (a paper, short film, or multimedia presentation, for example), and give an oral recorded presentation on the project to a panel of instructors, experts, business persons and broader community members who collectively evaluate its quality.

Capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, or goal setting—i.e., skills that will help prepare them for modern careers, and adult life. The projects are also interdisciplinary and may require students to apply skills or investigate issues across many different subject areas or domains of knowledge. Capstone projects also tend to encourage students to connect their projects to community issues or problems, and to integrate “outside-of-school” learning experiences, including activities such as interviews, scientific observations, or internships.


All e-Learning students will given in-depth training of how to use the custom-made learning platform GATE as well as CIM’s state-of-the-art intranet platform.

In addition, all e-Learning MBA students will be offered the opportunity to complete a fast-track optional Academic Skills Development module.

This module is designed for students requiring academic skills enhancement prior to commencing their studies. The focus is on developing and refining the skills required for postgraduate study. All students will have the chance to develop their communication and research skills through the course, including as part of the Research Methods module. This optional course is intended to ease students into the learning strategies needed for the successful achievement of an MBA.

The course takes place over four weeks, twice a week (for a total of four hours per week). All classes will be recorded and will be available for students to go revisit on GATE.


With our custom-made platform, it’s easy to learn

CIM-Cyprus Business School has partnered up with the world-class platform MOTI, which has been designed for professionals seeking to advance their careers. As an e-MBA student, you will have exclusive access to a closed, state-of-the-art online learning environment.

With our highly-experienced lecturers, learning is easy and fun

Watch a sample lecture below

What makes us different

Our sole reason of existence is to teach in-career individuals. As a Business School that deals only with working learners, we are uniquely positioned to understand the needs of students who have to balance life, family, work, and education.  

Our student support is unparalleled. We admit only a few students to our courses, never more than 15 in each class, and our admin team is friendly, professional, and pro-active.

We are also uniquely positioned to help jump start or accelerate your career. Our employability rate is the highest of any educational institution in Cyprus.

We will be with you from the first minute, offering unparalleled support, and we’ll be with you far beyond your graduation.

5+1 reasons to study with us

  1. Globally accredited
  2. Affordable fees and flexible payment plans
  3. Prestigious Business School with a long history and legacy and a great record of student employability
  4. Personal approach
  5. A global family of 10,000+ students
6. + e-MBA students are eligible for funded student exchange


What you’ll need to apply

Application is easy and straightforward.
We’ll need the following from you:


What are the admission criteria?

In order to be admitted to the CIM e-MBA, each applicant should be a holder of an internationally-recognised Bachelor’s degree. In addition, you’ll need proof of good English. This could mean schooling in an English-speaking country (English as first language), IELTS 6.5, or similar

Are there any technology requirements?

You’ll need access to a PC with Microsoft Windows preferably not older than Windows 10; Microsoft Teams; and fast and stable connection to the internet. If you have problem in acquiring the software mentioned above, please contact the Business School’s administration so as to examine possible solutions. 

What are the fees?

The fee for the entire degree is 6,000 euro. In addition, there’s a non-refundable 200 euro application fee.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, we will work together on a reasonable, interest-free payment scheme with you.

Can I apply for a scholarship?

Yes. Please contact us as there are a limited number of different scholarships. CIM is willing to assist students in completing their learning experience without financial obstacles.   

What is the curriculum made up of?

The entire learning process is realised remotely following a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous learning. The following learning activities are employed during the course:

  1. Recorded video and presentations (Asynchronous)
  2. Live online lessons (Synchronous)
  3. Library of written sources
  4. E-tivities
  5. Assignments
  6. Group work   
What modules will I take?

The programme is based on a combination of:

    1. Five Compulsory Courses:
      • Strategic Management
      • Research Methods
      • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
      • Organisational Behaviour
      • Economics and Financial Management
      • Academic Skills Development (Optional pre-session of Term 1)


    1. One elective courses, to choose out of:
      • Ethics and CSR
      • Ethics and CSR
      • Operations Management
      • International HRM
      • International Trade

All electives require a minimum number of students in order to be realised (5)

    1. Capstone project

Compulsory project realised during Term 3

What about assessment?

Each module is assessed and graded 100% remotely and shall offer to students the following grading opportunities:

  1. Mid-term Assignment
  2. Final Exam in the format of a Problem-Solving Essay (Open Book)
  3. Different in-class e-tivities (group and individual graded exercises)

The passing grade is fixed at 50% and if a student faces troubles during his/her learning period resit opportunities are offered when necessary.

Will I receive academic support?

Yes. Each student has a continuous supervision and support from the e-MBA course leader with whom there are bi-monthly meetings (more often if required by the student). The learning experience is heavily connected to a personalised support system, where custom solutions are offered to the students so as to simplify and ameliorate their learning experience.  

Do I have to reside in Cyprus?

No. Provided that this is 100% a remote course, there are no physical presence requirements. International students are not required to make proof of residency in Cyprus or visit the country. It is possible and planned that the entire programme is realised remotely. 

What is the difference between the CIM e-MBA and CIM on-campus MBAs?

The curriculum of the programme is academically very close to the on-campus degrees, but the e-MBA follows termly modules (as opposed to yearly modules). The hybrid (synchronous / asynchronous) learning experience is offering students the opportunity to acquire the same quality and quantity of knowledge with any on-campus programme. 

How long does it take?

The programme is designed to last for 3 academic terms. Its execution time is 18 months in total. If a student requires extensions or different time arrangements, this has to be discussed directly with the Course Leader and it is possible to be solved in a personalised manner. 

Will there be any network events and other social opportunities for e-MBA students?

Yes. Among others, there will be:

  1. Online induction days with possibility of physical meetings on-campus for the students who desire to visit CIM’s premises.
  2. Online meeting rooms during induction days where students can meet and exchange contact details
  3. Bimonthly, free of charge, online seminars following a hybrid (online/remote) reception.
  4. Invitations to different online as well as face-to-face CIM events including the CIM Summit where leaders of industry and academia come together for meaningful cooperations.
  5. Invitations to different online as well as face-to-face events organised by partners of CIM.
  6. Group-projects aligned with industrial partners

Each student will have the opportunity to attend many events and to get to know fellow classmates, academics and industry leaders.

Will there be a graduation ceremony?

Yes. The students completing successfully their degree will receive via registered mail their degree certificate both in original as well as certified copies. Students will also have the opportunity to attend the in-person awarding ceremony in Nicosia.

How will this e-MBA boost my career?

The CIM e-MBA is internationally recognised as the most important postgraduate degree for a better future career. CIM prizes its longstanding cooperations with industry leaders that consist of future employment prospects for its students. Being part of the CIM Alumni  network opens the doors to different professional paths in management and senior management positions.

International Memberships

Talk to us

Enter your e-mail and WhatsApp number and a member of our Student Support team will get in touch right away

E-mail us at [email protected] or call us at +357-22-778475 or WhatsApp us at +357-97-882594